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განათავსეთ თქვენი რეკლამა ან განცხადება აქ
თბილისი >> საბურთალო
ქართულ და ინგლისურენოვანი მოსწავლეებისთვის

ქართულ და ინგლისურენოვანი მოსწავლეებისთვის

აგვისტო 30, 2024
! >For English scroll down >👩🏫 ( , ) : > : , , ( , ), (1-11 ); > (1-6 ); > ; > ; > ( , , ( , ), ..); > . > : >👩🎓 - ( ) ; >📚 () ; >👩🏫 -5 , ; >📚 🏅 > , , , . > CV, : +995555318665 >Hello ! >Admissions for Georgian and English-speaking students are now open (both online and by visiting the apartment) in the following directions: > Georgian language and literature: conversation, grammar, literature (analysis of works, discussion), essay writing (grades 1-11); > Mathematics (grades 1-6); > any subject or subjects of elementary grades; > Biology; > Basics of medicine (human structure, systems, diseases and their treatment (both clinical and folk medicine methods), first aid in different situations, etc.); > Help with homework. >Briefly about me: >👩🎓Education - Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (fully funded); >📚 Have confirmed my competence by passing special elementary school teacher exam; >👩🏫 Have been a private teacher for 5 years; >📚 Graduated from school with a gold medal. 🏅 >I create an individual program for each child in agreement with the parents, based on the fact that each of them needs a different approach, although we can also work according to the school program. >For other details, see my CV below, if you are interested, write me a private message or call me on the number: +995555318665
სერვისი, მომსახურება >> ვასწავლი, ვისწავლი
რუქის ნახვა
განცხადებები 241 - 270 სულ 436


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